Barack Hussein Obama knew, when he ordered and signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that it was illegal.  Obama also admitted that Latinos who applied for phantom legal status were being used as political pawns to advance the democratic party.  Obama knew and still believes that young Latino men and women don’t understand what they read and what they agreed to.  First, D in DACA means deferred: To put off to a later time or date; You will be deported, but just not now because no matter how you look at it, you are ILLEGAL; You are not promised and will not be given legal status.  Governor Brown of California, Acting San Francisco Mayor London Breed and other San Francisco leaders were all involved in the scheme to make sure that Latinos that do not understand legal language and jump on the band wagon to give life support to their political life.  The only thing democrats did for children that came to the United States with their parents is to make sure they are finger printed and place in the U.S. database as illegal aliens and in the event, that, or when they are deported you can never become a U.S. Citizen due to that your parents and you violated FEDERAL law when your parents came into the United States illegally.  Plain and simple, DACA children will never become Citizens of The United States of America.

Barack Obama played Latinos for FOOLS